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Explore the Books, Audios, Videos and Articles pertaining to the Advent of the Promised Mahdi(AS).
About Imam Mahdi(AS)
Belief in the Promised Mahdi(AS) is from the necessity of religion whose information has been relayed by the Last Prophet of Allah(SWT) - Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa(SAS) in several traditions. That Promised Mahdi sent by Allah has already appeared and departed the world in 910AH. A large number of Muslims in every generation since have investigated and accepted the claim of Hazrat Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri(AS) as the Promised Mahdi who invited People towards Allah making religion exclusive for His Worship.
His declaration was - "My religion is the Book of Allah and the following of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah(SAS)". Those who follow Imam Mahdi(AS) are known as Mahdavis.
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Bahr-e-Aam of Imamuna(AS)
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Special Events this Month
Bahr-e-Aam Imamuna(AS)
- 10am - 5pm
- University Ground
Blood Donation Program
- 10am - 5pm
- University Ground
Annual Program
- 10am - 5pm
- University Ground
From Our Blog
Treatise on Supplication
Treatise on Supplication (Risala-e-Dua'a) Should we raise our hands for making dua'a... -
Bahra-e-Aam (Common Benediction) By: Hz Mohammed Nooruddin Arabi SahabTranslated by: Syed Yaqoob...