Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem.

All Praise is due to AllahSWT who has created the worlds and appointed Messengers to guide the human resource to realizing Him. We rely upon Him and Him only do we seek help. Peace and Blessings be upon the Seal of the Prophets, Hz Muhammad MustafaSAS, his progeny and his CompanionsRZ and upon the Seal of the Saints, Hz Syed Muhammad MahdiAS, his progeny and CompanionsRZ.

After salutations, it is a great privilege to announce the launch of the new Mahdavia community portal, The objectives of this website is manifold but primarily the following –

  1. Secure, Digitize and Translate(various languages) the Literature of the Mahdavia Community and provide unrestricted access to those who desire to learn and follow the path of our ProphetSAS and MahdiAS and his CompanionsRZ
  2. A platform to propogate the invitation of Imam MahdiAS to those who are truly interested in learning about the Holy personality – his claim and mission of being sent into this world by AllahSWT
  3. Create an advisory group to manage and guide the activities of the Website – its mission and vision. Insha’allah we will look to engage the special and common people of the Community for this purpose.
  4. Create a forum for young generation to learn, grow and strenghten their faith and belief.

We see several other opportunities but the above will insha’allah be a handful whose success will depend on the support, help and constructive feedback from the elders and youngsters of our Community.

We appeal to our brothers and sisters to please subscribe to our email distribution and newsletter to remain up to date with our activities.

Your Brother in Faith,

Syed Mahmood Mukarram

3 thoughts on “Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem.

  • October 26, 2021 at 11:56 PM

    As Salaam Alaikum Rehmathulla hi wa Barakatuhu!
    Masha Allah!
    Great work has gone in to create this group and website.
    God Almighty bless the people behind this lovely interactive concept.

  • October 27, 2021 at 7:14 AM

    Bismillah Arahman Nir Raheem
    Khaithmain As Syedan Rz sadqa main bahuti accha Aqdam hain maloomat k liya Imamamunna Meeran Syed Mohammed Mehdi Al maoud Alhaihi Salam seerat o naqliyat Faramani MEHDI ALAIHI Salam aur Tamam Buzrganadeen seerat maloom hotay
    JazakAllah khair

    • October 27, 2021 at 7:16 AM


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