We are excited to announce the launch of ePUB formats and a Mobile section on TheImamMehdi.com to provide an improved reading experience of our literature on Mobile phones. Please read our flyer for more details and the release of our
As’salamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa BarakatuhuDear Brothers & Sisters in faith, We are happy to announce the release of the english translation of the tract Al-Hujjah of Hz Bandagi Miyan Shah Qasim Mujtahid-e-Groh(RH) on TheImamMehdi.com. Please click the link below
The audio book Farooq-e-Vilayat which is the biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nemat(RZ) is now available on our website under the audio library. This audio book has been recorded by Hafiz Abu Huraira Saheb of Bangalore, India. May Allah(SWT)
As’salamu Alaykum, Please click the link below to read our second newsletter regarding the progress of book uploads: https://www.theimammehdi.com//books_update-2 -TheImamMehdi.com Team
As’salamu Alaykum All, We have updated our website with the below Terms of use and Guiding principles which is now available here as well. Terms of Use and Guiding Policy Here are some guidelines on how the contents of this
Al’hamdu-lilah our first newsletter with updates regarding our progress of uploading the urdu books was sent to brothers & sisters in faith. The newsletter can also be read at the link below:- https://www.theimammehdi.com//newsletter-books-update We love to hear from you if
Al’hamdu-lilah, the books and audio library has been set-up and we have started uploading the content to the relevant sections. We still have a long way to go but rest assured our goal is restore the content that was available
All Praise is due to AllahSWT who has created the worlds and appointed Messengers to guide the human resource to realizing Him. We rely upon Him and Him only do we seek help. Peace and Blessings be upon the Seal