Translated by: Syed Mohammed Suhael
Bandagi Miyan Shah Qasim(RH) authored this book to present the most supreme of the Miracles of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(AS).

Translated By: Hazrat Syed Dilawer urf Gorey Miyan
Mahdi Alaihis Salam ke Mu'jizat

Biography of Hazrat Allah waley Ashraf Miyan.

Famous personalities who accepted the Mahdavia faith.

A short biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam(RZ)

Translated by : Syed Mohammed Suhael
A concise biography of Hazrat Mahdi Mau'ood Alaihis Salam for beginners in Question and Answer format.

Translator: Abu Tauseef Syed Nusrath Maqsoosi
In this book details of the life of Hazrat siddiq-e-vilayat (RA) have been written. Mode of expression is captivating. Postponing study at any point becomes difficult for a reader . Besides that in the various events of the book, references of the authentic Mahdavia books such as Aqeeda shareefa, Insaaf nama, Moulood Miyan Abdul Rahman, Shavahid-ul-vilayat, Daftar Bandagimiyan Shah Burhanuddin , Matlaul vilayat, Tazkiratus saleheen, Tareeq-e-sulaimani have been given. This has made the book valuable with respect to research.

Translated By: Syed Mohammed Suhael
A concise biography of Rasoolullah Muhammad SLM in Question and Answer format. Its a good read for youngsters who want to get knowledge of the life of the Prophet SLM.

Gujarat se Deccan mein Mahdavi Buzurgon ki aamad ka tarikhi pas manzar.