Showing 37-48 of 89 Books
Mahzara – Shah Dilawar(RZ) –...
Translated by: Syed Mahmood Mukarram -The treatise is to establish that a denier of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(AS) is a disbeliever. This Mahzara has the the Ijma'a of 18 eminent & great Companions(RZ).
PDF Advanced, Early Era Works Bandagi Miyan Hz Shah Dilawar(RZ)
Mahzara Shah Dilawar(RZ) – Farsi...
This is a Mahzar drafted by Hz Bandagi Miyan Shah Dilawar(RZ) which has the Ijma of 18 Great Companions of Hz Imam Mahdi(AS) and 6 Tabi-e-Taba'een. It provides comprehensive information on why prayer behind a non-mahdavi is invalid for a person who is a Mussadiq of Mahdi(AS)
PDF Early Era Works Bandagi Miyan Hz Shah Dilawar(RZ)
Majalis-e-Khamsa – English
Translated by: Hz Faqir Syed Ziaullah Yadullahi Sahab -Majalis-e-Khamsa is the account of five debates between scholars of Mughal Emperor Akbar's court and Hazrat Shaikh Mustafa Gujarati. These debates took place in the presence of Akbar himself.
PDF Early Era Works, General Bandagi Miyan Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH)
Majalis-e-Khamsa – Roman Urdu
A series of debates that took place in the court of Emperor Akbar between Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH) and the Ulama of the court. The debates were documented by the author Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH) himself.
PDF Early Era Works, General Bandagi Miyan Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH)
Majalis-e-Khamsa -English – Mobile
A series of debates that took place in the court of Mughal Emperor Akbar pertaining to the claim of Hazrat Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri Mahdi Mauwood(AS) is documented by Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH).
EPUB Early Era Works, General, Mobile Bandagi Miyan Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH)
Makateeb – English – Mobile
Translated by: Syed Mahmood Mukarram -These letters were written by Hazrat between 950 AH to 982 AH at different times from different locations to various holy personalities including Hazrat Shah Yaqoob Hasan e Vilayat, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Abdul Malik Sujawandi Alim Billah and Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed Mahmood Syedanji, May Allah be pleased with them all; and other great mashaikheen, eminent scholars, his followers and devotees, friends and family were eventually collected by himself and arranged sequentially.
EPUB Early Era Works, General Bandagi Miyan Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH)
Makhzan-ud-Dalayal – Urdu
Translated By: Hazrat Syed Dilawer urf Gorey Miyan   This books presents the advent of Mahdi(AS) in light of some of the Ahadith that have been made popular as related to Imam Mahdi(AS)
PDF Advanced, Early Era Works Hz. Allama Qazi Muntajibuddin Junayri(RZ)