Aqida Sharifa written by Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Khundmir Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ) is an authoritative work which provides the fundamental beliefs of the Mahdavis as heard from Hazrat Miran Syed Muhammad Mahdi(AS).

This book by Hz Bandagi Miyan Abdul Malik Sujawandi(RH) provides the distinguished attributes of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(AS).

This tract is a Mahzar drafted by Hz Bandagi Miyan Shah Dilawar(RZ) the fifth khalifa of the Imam e Kainat Miran Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri Mahdi(AS). It documents the beliefs of the Mahdavis regarding the validity of Prayers behind a Non-Mahdavi and calling them disbeliever. It has the attestation of 18 Migrant companions of the Imam(AS) and 6 Taba'een.
This is the Mobile version of Book in EPUB format and needs a mobile book app (Lithium or Apple)

A series of debates that took place in the court of Mughal Emperor Akbar pertaining to the claim of Hazrat Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri Mahdi Mauwood(AS) is documented by Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH).

This tract provides details on the obligation of the Shab-e-Qadr prayers.

Translated by: Syed Mohammed Suhael
This tract is a commentary of the Aqida Sharifa of Bandagi Miyan Shah Khundmir Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ) further adding details to the obligations and beliefs of Mahdavia.

The Tract of Provisions of the Saved Ones and the Path by
Hazrat Miyan Syed Meeranji(RH) alias Hazrat Saidu Miyan Saheb
Murshid-uz-Zaman1, Khalifa of Hazrat Syed Nusrat Maqsoos-uz-Zaman(RH)
This is the Mobile version of Book in EPUB format and needs a mobile book app (Lithium or Apple)

Hz Bandagi Miyan Shah Nemat(RZ) Ke Maktoob Shouq Zouq Sulook ka Urdu Tarjuma Mobile format Mein. PDF Book ke liye ye link click kare'n - https://www.theimammehdi.com/books/shauq-zouq-sulook/

This tract written by Bandagi Miyan Shah Qasim(RH) presents the importance of the Company of the Truthful.

The equality of the Seal of the Prophets and Seal of the Saints is discussed thoroughly with convincing arguments in this short tract by Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Qasim Mujtahid-e-Groh(RH).