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Supreme Miracles of Mahdi AS - 2024 Edition

Translated by: Syed Mohammed Suhael
Bandagi Miyan Shah Qasim(RH) authored this book to present the most supreme of the Miracles of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(AS).

Translated by : 1/ Hazrat Shaikh Chand Sajid 2/ Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi
Must read book for Kids / Beginners. Contains basics of Islam.
Part 1 topics: Islam, Ihsan, Tauheed, Kufr, Angels, Prophets, Wahy, Ilham, Holy Books, Prophet Muhammad SLM, Companions, Khalifas, Qiyamat, Sins, Shia
Part 2 topics: Wali, Wilayet, Khalifatullah, Ihsan, Hazrat Mahdi, His Lineage and Features, Proclaimation, Obligations of Vilayet and related Quran verses, Equality, Companions, Wives and Children, Hadees

Translated by: Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi
Part 3 topics : Essence of Allah and his attributes, Angels, Revealed Books, Prophethood, Khalifat, Torment of the Grave and Hereafter, Eeman (faith)

Translated by : Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi
Part 4 topics : Forecast about Promised Mahdi AS, Advent of Mahdi AS, Orders which are made compulsory by Mahdi AS, Companions of Mahdi AS, Equality of Concluders

Translator: Syed Mahmood Mukarram
This short tract by Hz Bandagi Miyan Syedna Shah Qasim Mujtahid-e-Groh(RH) presents the thorough proofs pertaining to the Mahdiat of Hz Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri Mahdi(AS) mainly through the Ahadith-e-Nabawi(SAS) while also presenting the statements of Ulama-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jama'at from the Tafasirs and Popular books.

Translated by: Syed Mohammed Suhael
This tract of Bandagi Miyan(RZ) refutes the arguments of all those who are skeptical of MahdiAS and the Companions(RZ), and assign undeserved characteristics to them. It also thoroughly explains the significance of Faraiz-e-Vilayat and the proofs that affirm Hz Syed Muhammad(AS) as the Mahdi-e-Mauwood. The second part of the tract deals with the question of increase and decrease in faith. An excerpt from the book is attached separately that provides an insight into the objective and intent of the behind writing the tract.

An article on the practice of saying Allah Diya in the Mahdavia Community

Translated by: Faqir Syed Ziaullah Yadullahi
The sacred & foundational beliefs of the Mahdavis as documented by Bandagi Miyan Hazrat Shah Khundmeer Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ).

Aqida Sharifa written by Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Khundmir Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ) is an authoritative work which provides the fundamental beliefs of the Mahdavis as heard from Hazrat Miran Syed Muhammad Mahdi(AS).