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There are certain signs in Qur’an and Ahadith [tradition] that have been narrated in favor of Mahdi(AS). These signs describe the truthfulness of his conditions, actions and sayings. These (verses and traditions) provide confirmation of Hazrat Mahdi(AS).
- Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed Khundmir Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ)
The English translation of Baaz-ul-Aayaat (A Few Signs) written by Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed Khunmdir Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ) presents a few of the signs of Hazrat Mahdi(AS) from Holy Qur'an and the traditions of our Prophet(SAS) that provides the proof of the truthfulness of Hazrat Syed Muhammad Mahdi Al Mauwood(AS).

A short biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Nizam(RZ)

Translated by : Syed Mohammed Suhael
A concise biography of Hazrat Mahdi Mau'ood Alaihis Salam for beginners in Question and Answer format.

Translator: Abu Tauseef Syed Nusrath Maqsoosi
In this book details of the life of Hazrat siddiq-e-vilayat (RA) have been written. Mode of expression is captivating. Postponing study at any point becomes difficult for a reader . Besides that in the various events of the book, references of the authentic Mahdavia books such as Aqeeda shareefa, Insaaf nama, Moulood Miyan Abdul Rahman, Shavahid-ul-vilayat, Daftar Bandagimiyan Shah Burhanuddin , Matlaul vilayat, Tazkiratus saleheen, Tareeq-e-sulaimani have been given. This has made the book valuable with respect to research.

Translated By: Syed Mohammed Suhael
A concise biography of Rasoolullah Muhammad SLM in Question and Answer format. Its a good read for youngsters who want to get knowledge of the life of the Prophet SLM.

A popular book providing legal rulings and niyyats about Namaz, Roza and other religious topics which are important in our daily life.
The book has been sourced from

Translated By: Hazrat Syed Ziaullah Yadullahi
A short booklet explaining about the farziyet of Dugana Lailatul Qadr.

Literally Fiqh means understanding, comprehension and knowledge, and in Islamic perspective Fiqh means the jurisprudence in Islam, a science of Islamic laws encompassing all aspects of life. In fact, these laws have been derived from the Holy Qur’an and the words and the deeds of the Messenger of Allah PBUH by the Companions and their followers but compiled later on by some eminent jurists of different schools of thought, and they differed in interpretation of these laws. Hence, the four schools of jurisprudence are usually quoted in legal opinions (Fatawa).
The followers of Hazrath Syed Muhammad Mahdi Mau’oodAS are not...

Equality between Prophet Muhammad SLM and Imam Mahdi AS

Translated By: Syed Mohammed Suhael
Many Muslims believe that the Mahdi and Esa will appear at the same time. This belief has no basis. This book goes into details of the ahadith of Rasoolullah SLM to explain that the eras of Mahdi AS and Esa AS are different.

A contemporary biography of Hazrat Imam Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri Mahdi(AS) covering the period before and after his advent.