Translated by : 1/ Hazrat Shaikh Chand Sajid 2/ Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi
Must read book for Kids / Beginners. Contains basics of Islam.
Part 1 topics: Islam, Ihsan, Tauheed, Kufr, Angels, Prophets, Wahy, Ilham, Holy Books, Prophet Muhammad SLM, Companions, Khalifas, Qiyamat, Sins, Shia
Part 2 topics: Wali, Wilayet, Khalifatullah, Ihsan, Hazrat Mahdi, His Lineage and Features, Proclaimation, Obligations of Vilayet and related Quran verses, Equality, Companions, Wives and Children, Hadees

Translated by: Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi
Part 3 topics : Essence of Allah and his attributes, Angels, Revealed Books, Prophethood, Khalifat, Torment of the Grave and Hereafter, Eeman (faith)

Translated by : Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi
Part 4 topics : Forecast about Promised Mahdi AS, Advent of Mahdi AS, Orders which are made compulsory by Mahdi AS, Companions of Mahdi AS, Equality of Concluders

Translated by : Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi RH
The following issues are discussed in this book: 1) Silsila-e-Baith 2) Taleem-e Zikr 3) Tahiyatul-Wuzu 4) Taswiyat-e Khatimain 5) Bahr Aam 6) Dua 7) Shab-e Qadr