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 Format: PDF  Author: Bandagi Miyan Hz Shah Khundmir Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ)  Category: General  Translated By: Syed Mohammed Suhael  Pages: 34  Language: English More Details  Download

Translated by: Syed Mohammed Suhael

This tract of Bandagi Miyan(RZ) refutes the arguments of all those who are skeptical of MahdiAS and the Companions(RZ), and  assign undeserved characteristics to them. It also thoroughly explains the significance of Faraiz-e-Vilayat and the proofs that affirm Hz Syed Muhammad(AS) as the Mahdi-e-Mauwood. The second part of the tract deals with the question of increase and decrease in faith. An excerpt from the book is attached separately that provides an insight into the objective and intent of the  behind writing the tract.

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