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Makateeb – English – Mobile

 Format: EPUB  Author: Bandagi Miyan Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH)  Category: Early Era Works, General  Translated By: Syed Mahmood Mukarram  Pages: 12  Language: English  Tags: AmalMakateeb | More Details  Download

Translated by: Syed Mahmood Mukarram

-These letters were written by Hazrat between 950 AH to 982 AH at different times from different locations to various holy personalities including Hazrat Shah Yaqoob Hasan e Vilayat, Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Abdul Malik Sujawandi Alim Billah and Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed Mahmood Syedanji, May Allah be pleased with them all; and other great mashaikheen, eminent scholars, his followers and devotees, friends and family were eventually collected by himself and arranged sequentially.

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