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Moghaibat – English

 Author: Hz Abu Sayeed Syed Mahmood Tashreefullahi(RH)  Category: General  Translated By: Translated by: Syed Yakoob Roshan Yedullahi  Pages: 41  Language: English More Details  Download

The book ‘Moghaibat is one of the prominent books, which carries firm information about the knowledge beyond the human reach. The author of the book Asad-ul-Ulema Allama Hz. Abu Sayeed Syed Mahmood has originally written it in Urdu with a scholarly standard. This book now rendered into English is with a simple framework.

The issue relating this book is in discussion in the Muslim world since long, as to whether a person can gain the knowledge beyond the human resources. This is due to the difference of opinion among the scholars. The author has done a great job by presenting the most authentic view on this subject. He (author) has used only the Holy Verses, Traditions of the Prophet PBUH besides the views of the early scholars of the Muslim world.

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