An urdu biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Dilawar(RZ) fifth Khalifa of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(AS)

An urdu biography of Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Yaqoob Hasan e Vilayat(RZ), grandson of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(AS).

An urdu biography of Hazrat Syed ush Shuhada Bandagi Miyan Shah Khundmeer Siddiq-e-Vilayat(RZ), second Khalifa of Hazrat Imam Mahdi(AS)

Seerat-e-Pak Hz Bibi Ilhadati(RZ)

Hz Mahdi Mauood Alaihis Salam ki seerat hindi mein

Hz Miran Syed Muhammad Jaunpur Mahdi Mauwood(AS) Ki Seerat-e-Pak Par Ye Kitab Roman Urdu Mein Likhi Gayi Hai.

Translated by : Hazrat Syed Yakhoob Roshan Yadullahi RH
The following issues are discussed in this book: 1) Silsila-e-Baith 2) Taleem-e Zikr 3) Tahiyatul-Wuzu 4) Taswiyat-e Khatimain 5) Bahr Aam 6) Dua 7) Shab-e Qadr

Shab-e-Baraat ki ahmiyat wa fazilat ke barey mein.

Biography of Hz Bandagi Miyan Shah-e-Nemat(RZ) written in Gujarati language by Hz Shams-ul-Ulema Miranji Abid Khundmiri Sahab Qibla.

Shama-e-Hidayat contains verses of Quran, Ahadith and Farameen of Imamuna(AS). This book which is compiled by Hz Iftekhar Ijaz Sahab was originally published by Markaz-e-Anjuman-e-Mahdavia in the year 1979. The second edition was printed in the year 2005 with some editions. It is now being published by Moulana Sufi Memorial Library with English translation done by Janab Shaik Chand Sajid Sahab keeping in mind the demands of the new generation. This book seeks to educate the youth who are affected by the winds of misguidance and are unfamiliar with the basics of Islam and Mahdaviat.

This book is a sharah/commentary of Aqida Sharifa by Bandagi Miyan Syed Khundmir RZ.

Translated by: Syed Mahmood Mukarram
A book on Tasawuf and love of Allah written by Hz Bandagi Miyan Shah Nemat(RZ).