Bachon ki taleem ke liye Roman Urdu mein

Talim ul Islam aur Mahdavia Hindi mein

All 3 volumes in one for a simple and easy to understand book for kids & youth to learn the basics of Islam and Mahdavia faith. The format of learning is based on a simple question and answers. A must have book for our kids to learn and strengthen the foundations.

This book has been written by Bahr-ul-Uloom Allamah Ashraf Shamsi(RH)
This booklet has been divided into three chapters. Each chapter is divided into many sections.
1. The first chapter is in respect of Imam Mahdi(AS) and the signs of Mahdiat. It contains several sections and clauses. The first section is about the concept in respect of the Promised Imam Mahdi(AS). The second section is detailed about the conditions and prerequisites.
2. The second chapter is about necessity, proof and evidence of the Imam(AS). It is spread over three sections.
3. The third chapter is about the fundamentals (Usool) and...

Namaz-e-Taraweeh Ki Niyyat aur Tasbihat Arabic aur Roman Urdu Mein

Iss risalay mein talibeen-e-khuda ki targheeb ke liye saat (7) fasl marqoom hai
1) Sohbat-e-Sadiqan, 2) Tark-e-Dunya, 3) Talab-e-Deedar-e-Khuda, 4) Hijrat, 5) Zikrullah, 6) Uzlat, 7) Ushr
- Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Syed Shahabuddin Chabuji Sahab

This treatise contains solution to the issues faced by human beings, like the shining stars in the sky showing the way to wayfarers in a dark night. Brief tips of sagacity, polished gems of wisdom, constructive and destructive aspects of human life, necessaries of spiritual delight, guidance to shun the social evils and persuasion for virtuousness, matters of Shari'at and injunctions of Tariqat, points of Haqiqat, secrets of Ma'rifat, explanation of beliefs and elucidation of knowledge, emphasis on practical application and miscellaneous guidance, all these things have been incorporated in this book. May Allah make this book a useful source...

The equality of the Seal of the Prophets and Seal of the Saints is discussed thoroughly with convincing arguments in this short tract by Hazrat Bandagi Miyan Shah Qasim Mujtahid-e-Groh(RH).

Translated By: Syed Mohammed Suhael
This short tract explains about the equality of the two seals - the Seal of Prophethood SLM and the Seal of Sainthood AS.