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Shifa-ul-Momineen – English

 Format: PDF  Author: Bandagi Miyan Shah Qasim Mujtahid-e-Groh(RH)  Category: Advanced, Early Era Works  Translated By: Faqir Syed Mohammed Suhael  Pages: 45  Language: English  Tags: Principles | More Details  Download

After praise and salutations, know that the purpose of writing these pages is that things contrary to the practice of Hazrat Mahdi Alaihis Salam are being seen among the musaddiqan, the mu’afiqaan and the lisaniyan (Acceptors, Conformers and Verbalists)1. Many differences are noticed between the sayings of a few people of this era and of the leaders who were appointed to help the religion. Due to this, we bring forth a couple of narrations of Hazrat Imam Alaihis Salam regarding the principles of religion in order to establish proof. And the name of this tract is “Shifa-ul-Momineen” (Healing for the Believers).

– Bandagi Miyan Syed Qasim Mujtahid-e-Groh(RH)

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