Takmeel-e-Deen – English
After praise and salutations, it should be known that the subject of this book – Takmeel-e-Deen [Completion of Religion] written by Hazrat Syed Fazlullah Hafiz TashreefullahiRH is one that evokes emotion and passion across the Muslim world with majority of the Muslims concluding that the verse – This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed my favor upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion[Surah Al-Maeda verse# 3]– marks the completion of the religion in such a way that it is sealed and nothing can be added or removed. This same notion was made as a premise by the Muftis of three famous institutions in Hyderabad to issue the Fatwas of disbelief to Mahdavis and declaring our expulsion from Islam (God Forbid!) in the year 1993. In part because the Muftis and their supporters lacked and still lack a clear understanding of this verse and the general awareness of the meaning of “Completion of Religion”.
Hazrat Fazlullah Miyan(RH) took the sensitive subject of Completion of Religion and broke the discussion into several inter-connected topics to help a fair-minded reader open up the unbiased portions of his/her mind to understand the subject matter at its basic level. All of the discussion revolves around the verse – This day I have perfected your religion for you – to dismiss the propaganda and oppression spread by the special and ordinary Muslims.