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The Treasure House of Evidences (Makhzan-ud-Dalail) – English

 Format: PDF  Author: Hz. Allama Qazi Muntajibuddin Junayri(RZ)  Category: Beginners, General  Pages: 130  Language: English More Details  Download

Translated by: Shaik Chand Sajid Sahab

This book is a concise and comprehensive collection of evidences to prove that Sayyed Muhammad of Jounpur was indeed the Promised Mahdi, and it may serve as a reference book for the research scholars and the seekers of truth.

The compiler of this treatise in Arabic language “Makh‟zan‟ud Dala‟il” Hz. Allama Qazi Muntajibuddin Junayri RZ, a most learned scholar of high calibre of that time, had endeavoured to undo such misconceptions with strong evidences and arguments with the help of Qur‟an and Hadith. He met Imam Mahdi AS in 1493/898AH at Bidar and accompanied him.

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