Showing 1-2 of 2 Books

Translated by: Hz Syed Dilawar urf Gorey Miyan Mahdavi(RH).

This book provides detailed proofs pertaining to Imam Mahdi(AS) from authoritative and well-known works so it provides valuable lessons to those it reaches and anyone pondering over its meaning gets satisfied and for those believing in it gets reassurance.

PDF General Bandagi Miyan Hz Shaik Mustafa Gujarati(RH)
Kuhl-al-Jawahar Vol2 – Urdu

Kuhl Al-Jawahar is a comprehensive answer to the allegations against the beliefs of Mahdavia. It was written by Hazrat Allama Syed Nusrath Saheb in the year 1890.

PDF General Hazrat Allama Syed Nusrath Sahab(RH)