Terms of use & Guiding principles

As’salamu Alaykum All,

We have updated our website with the below Terms of use and Guiding principles which is now available here as well.

Terms of Use and Guiding Policy

Here are some guidelines on how the contents of this website can be used:

  1. The contents of this website can be used for non-profit and non-commercial use only.
  2. The contents of this website can be used for learning and teaching of islamic and mahdavia principles and practices.
  3. When using/quoting the contents of this website for the purposes 1 and 2, the contents should not be altered or modified in any way and references to the material used should be provided in the standard acceptable forms like hyper-links, book names, author names, page numbers etc.
  4. For all other usages of the content on this website, explicit permission should be sought from TheImamMehdi.com Team by contacting us here


  1. The ImamMehdi.com Team administering the website are committed to the Mahdavia beliefs (belief) as propagated by Hazrat Imam MahdiAS and transmitted by his Noble Companions (As’haab), their Followers (ta’baeen) and the Followers of the Followers (tabe-ta’baeen). May Allah be pleased with them all. These beliefs are explicitly documented in their authoritative works available on our website. If you have any disagreements with the aqa’id (beliefs) or need any clarifications about those beliefs please get in touch with a mahdavi murshid (spiritual guide).
  2. While extreme care is be taken as per the disclaimer 1 to review and allow the publishing of popular contemporary works by the Mahdavi scholars, researchers and writers made available on the website, the individual/s in that capacity are solely responsible for its contents. Any seemingly appearing conflicts with specific portions of their literary works must be discussed with the respective author/s. TheImamMehdi.com Team will not engage in discussions and debates on differing perspectives and shall not be held responsible for individual contentious points of views of the author.
  3. The ImamMehdi.com Team will not engage or allow for debates in our comments section or blogs for any literary activity done through the website or its associated media channels including Facebook and Whatsapp. The team can be contacted directly to log any issues or complaints through our contact us link.
  4. Care has been taken to not infringe upon copyrights of others but if you do find something on the website which is in violation of any copyrights please promptly bring it to our attention by contacting us here so we can address the issue.
  5. All genuine inquiries and curiosity to learn about Imam MahdiAS, his advent and teachings should be directed to the ImamMehdi.com Team via our contact us link. The team reserves the right to respond at it’s convenience as appropriate.
  6. The Team reserves the right to remove content deemed inappropriate if and when it is brought to our attention.
  7. The Team reserves the right to update our terms of use and guiding policy as deemed appropriate but the foundational principles mentioned here are non-negotiable which all members of the team will abide by.
  8. The governing council administering the website and its activities reserves the right to remove any erring members of the team following due process for blatant violations of the terms mentioned herein.